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  • Leah

Curveballs and Overcoming

I was resolute. The decision was made – I was diving into a healthier lifestyle, complete with exercise and mindful eating. The meal plan was set, and I left the grocery store feeling determined. I was ready to embrace a positive change. Then life, in its unpredictable ways, threw a curveball my way.

My client unexpectedly landed in the hospital, and for an entire week, my days were spent at her side from dawn till dusk. Here’s where excuses and intrusive thoughts started to creep in, attempting to undermine my newfound commitment.

“Every time I make a plan, the universe just chuckles and says, ‘We’ll see about that.’ Why bother at all?”

“Can I really exercise within hospital walls? Is that even appropriate?”

“Why even bother with planning if things always take an unexpected turn?”

I tried to rally myself with a pep talk:

“It’s alright. I can at least prioritize healthier eating.”

“I can read and educate myself during her moments of rest.”

However, the truth is, I didn’t manage to incorporate exercise into my days or even make an effort to move around much. Fast forward nearly a week, and the tension in my neck and shoulders was a glaring reminder of my neglect.

As I reflect on the past week, several key takeaways come to mind:

1. Seizing Opportunities for Movement: Even amidst my time in the hospital, there were moments when I could have walked around or engaged in upper body stretches. Regrettably, I let these opportunities slip by.

2. Holding onto Healthy Eating: On a brighter note, I maintained my commitment to healthy eating, staying true to my meal plan.

3. Embracing Creativity and Self-Care: In between responsibilities, I managed to find avenues for productivity and self-care. I delved into tutorials for the Procreate app, giving vent to my creativity. Reading and journaling also provided solace.

4. Carving Out Moments of Self-Care: Mornings and evenings became my sanctuaries for self-care. Whether it was through reading, exploring Procreate, or journaling, I learned that these moments of tranquility could be found even amidst chaos.

Life rarely hands us the perfect setting for peace; that’s the reality. The search for idyllic situations will leave us wanting more often than not. The truth is, we’re required to work with what we have. It’s easy to succumb to discouragement, especially in times of constant overwhelm. But remember, self-care doesn’t demand perfection.

Life’s disruptions, even when they derail our plans, offer us opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow. Amidst the chaos, amidst the unexpected, we find the chance to discover the strength we never knew we had. It’s a reminder that self-care is an ongoing journey, with each step - whether big or small - taking us closer to a more balanced and fulfilled life.

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